With 1.4 Billion active users, Gmail offers an incredible opportunity for outreach and targeting. Offering ways to drive business in ways social media advertising just can’t.
With email marketing still being considered amongst the most effective forms of marketing, it’s time to take a serious look at Gmail.
Building an active subscriber list can sometimes be laborious, what if you wanted to enter new markets, were you don’t have an email list? That’s were Gmail sponsored Ads come in.
Gmail sponsored ads appear just like any everyday email, well, apart from the green ad tag. Once the user clicks on the email ad, it will open the full Gmail ad. With emails, content is normally kept simple, including only short copy, an image, complete with a clear call-to-action.

Gmail Sponsored Ad Success Rate:

Adobe conducted some research that shown on average, people spend about 2.5 hours a day checking their personal e-mails, and that is inclusive of the 3 hours a day most people need to stay on top of their work inbox. All this means that impressions will be high, but where you can make a difference is by effectively tempting people to click. The higher the click-through rate, the better the value, which is why targeting the right audience is crucial.
20% is the average CTR (every time an email is opened) for Gmail ads is high – and the higher the CTR, the lower the cost-per-click. The other way, unfortunately, is also true, resulting in a high price tag when your ads get little engagement.

Signing up to Gmail Sponsored Ads:

To set up a new Gmail Sponsored ad campaign, you’ll first need to be signed into Google Adwords. Click campaigns, press the ‘+’ button, select a goal (sales, leads, brand awareness, website traffic, or promotion), click ‘display’ and select ‘Gmail campaign’.
And now you can start to create impactful, attention grabbing emails by incorporating high-quality images, videos and CTA’s. Be creative yet informative, interactive yet to the point.
Whilst its time to get creative you need to focus your efforts on targeting your audience, using Gmail’s awesome targeting tools.

Life Events:

Google algorithms work out what’s happening in peoples life’s, then matches your service or product and offers this to the user based on a life event, such as graduation, marriage and family. To name just a few. You can check what Google thinks your interests are here. https://adssettings.google.com/
Google Life Events Algorithms


Just like search history and click map, this targeting method takes Chrome history, app installs data and YouTube into account.

In-Market audience:

Tracking user behaviour along with frequent searches to allow you to target customers based on what they are actively searching or planning to purchase. This group of customers already want to buy, making this method a no brainer.